Presión de entrada máx. admisible: 1.050 mbar
Presión de salida máxima admisible (en relación con el ambiente):
200 mbar
Presión final con lastre de gas: <0,1 mbar
Presión final sin lastre de gas: <0,01 mbar
Velocidad de bombeo: 65 m3/h
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VARODRY Heavy Duty handles more than O2

Leybold presents an extension of its VARODRY platform: this heavy duty, oxygen-handling model was developed using the same innovative features as the VARODRY. As a result, the VD HD/O2 offers you another dry, reliable, efficient and easy vacuum!


VARODRY HD/O2 is specifically designed with a stainless steel exhaust and built-in purge module. Together, these allow the pump to handle some of the harshest applications in which exhaust gases are usually piped away.


The combination of the previously mentioned HD features, the completely oil-free VARODRY concept and the extra precautions taken during production to ensure internally hydrocarbon-free surfaces result in a VARODRY HD/O2 capable of handling up to 100% oxygen. These capabilities have been accredited by a notified body, based on intensive and rigorous testing.


Your expensive (PFPE) oil replacements are a thing of the past. The VARODRY HD/O2 minimizes your total cost of ownership!

VARODRY HD/o2 Footer

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